Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST)
An Introduction to FAST
Field Assisted Sintering Technology (FAST), also known as Spark Plasma Sintering (SPS), is an effective and efficient method for the consolidation of various powdered materials. Material is placed within tooling, usually made from graphite (due to its high-temperature capabilities and electrical conductivity), which itself sits between two electrodes. During processing, a combination of heat and pressure is applied by direct current and hydraulic rams, respectively.
Temperatures >2000°C are possible, which allows for the consolidation of many different materials to full theoretical density. High heating rates are achieved due to the heat being generated within the sample (if electrically conductive) and surrounding tooling. This means that relatively short processing times are required, so more parts can be quicker.
Our FAST capabilities
The Henry Royce Institute manages two FAST machines at the University of Sheffield, both manufactured by FCT Systeme GmbH, with the following capabilities:
Max sample size: Ø 80 mm
Max force: 250 kN
Max temperature 2200°C
Additional cooling chamber for semi-continuous processing
FCT HP D 250
Max sample size: Ø 300 mm
Max force: 2500 kN
Max temperature 2200°C
Additional cooling chamber for semi-continuous processing
Our FAST research
Our researchers are working to exploit the benefits of this technology to address various materials challenges in industry, whilst also investigating the fundamentals. Examples of our research include:
Development of new materials (e.g. alloys and metal matrix composites)
Multi-component materials through functional grading and diffusion bonding (FAST-DB)
Generation of complex microstructures by incorporating additively manufactured structures into FAST parts (Add-FAST)
Processing of waste and surplus materials (e.g. titanium machining swarf and metal powders which are oversize for use in additive manufacturing)
Combining FAST with conventional thermomechanical processing, such as forging (FAST-forge) and hot rolling (FAST-roll)
Developing methods for the direct production of near-net shape components using FAST
Investigating the fundamentals of the process through multiphysics simulation
Publications of Interest

Processing metal powders via field assisted sintering technology (FAST): a critical review
NS Weston, B Thomas, M Jackson
Materials Science and Technology 35 (11), 1306-1328
FAST-DB: a novel solid-state approach for diffusion bonding dissimilar titanium alloy powders for next generation critical components
JJ Pope, EL Calvert, NS Weston, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 269, 200-207
FAST-forge of Diffusion Bonded Dissimilar Titanium Alloys: A Novel Hybrid Processing Approach for Next Generation Near-Net Shape Components
J Pope, M Jackson
Metals 9 (6), 654
Spark plasma sintering of commercial and development titanium alloy powders
NS Weston, F Derguti, A Tudball, M Jackson
Journal of Materials Science 50 (14), 4860-4878